Monday, February 9, 2009


So much can be said of the year 2008. From black presidents and morgage crisis to dead actors and oscar hopefuls, the year of the Rat will not soon be forgotten. Although its important that we not let things like presidential elections and global warmings over shadow what is truly important... I give you the most culture shocking wise words spoken in 2008:

"I'm the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude." - Robert Downey Jr.

"Why so serious?" - Heath Ledger

"Im making my baby some cheese grits... I ain't got no sprinkle cheese, so im using her mamas two timing way, with the velveeta." - Jamie Parnell Spears (Britneys dad)

"If I see something sagging, bagging and dragging, I'm going to nip it, tuck it and suck it." Dolly Parton

"I have the money I have the power" Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Yeah it was on today. Did I watch it? NO. Did you?

I really wish the NFL could find a way to make this game interesting, because as of right now nobody even checks to see when this is on. The fear of injury will always keep them for going 100% which makes for a real boring game. I think they should just have some skills challenge or something wear the could actually want to participate.

I don't know.

But as of now, who cares.